Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Now That Valentine Day is Over, It’s Time to Reuse the Gift Packaging

Reuse the Gift Packaging

Now that Valentine’s Day is over, you must be thinking about the memorable moments and the gifts that you have received. What about all the packaging? What are you going to do about it? Most of you will probably not think about reusing the left over gift packaging at all. There is a good chance that the packaging has been disposed already.

If you still have packaging materials lying around, then now would be a good time to start reusing them. It will help you to save costs, avoid wastage and reduce the harm on the environment. This is what you need to do to reuse valentine gift packaging smartly.

Roll Up the Ribbons
Roll Up the Ribbons

Ribbons are an essential component of gift packaging for Valentine’s Day. Not only do they add value to the gift, but also help to keep the package secure without the need for packing tapes to be used. Remove the ribbons carefully when unpacking the gift and simply roll the strips into a single ribbon roll. You can use this to wrap a gift next time. If you are having trouble rolling up the ribbon, simply use a pen or a pencil and then roll the ribbon over it. Just make sure that you maintain a single roll and not cover the entire pen with the ribbon.

Keep the Gift Boxes Safely

Keep the Gift Boxes Safely

Unless you were super excited to receive the gift and literally hacked through the package, you should be able to reuse the boxes. Keep the boxes safe for later. You can even use the boxes as a storage container where you can keep jewelry, apparels, small items, pen drives and other common knick-knacks. Obviously, the size of the box will determine the storage capacity. But I am sure that you can work this out without any help.

Use Chocolate Boxes for Storing Stationeries

Chocolate Boxes for Storing Stationeries

Who doesn’t get chocolates on Valentine’s Day? But don’t just throw away chocolate box yet. It can be used to store stationeries. If you have been having a hard time managing the stationeries and other small items on your work desk, then use a chocolate box to stay organized. Just make sure that you clean up the box before using it.

The Cut-Out Hearts Can Be Used as Decoration

Cut-Out Hearts Can Be Used as Decoration

Lovers can be so predictable. When they come up with gift ideas for Valentine’s Day, they will never leave out cut-out hearts. You can find these hearts on gift packaging, inside greeting cards, on bouquets and just about anything that they can lay their hands on. Collect all the hearts that you find and keep them safely for use in other creative works. The best way to reuse them is to incorporate them in decorations. You can even come up with your own gift packaging design by using these hearts creatively.

Save the Packing Peanuts for Later

Packing Peanuts

People do give valuable and fragile items as gifts on Valentine’s Day. These packages will have packing peanuts for providing cushioning. Maybe the product will come with bubble wraps. Don’t pop them even if you are tempted to do so. Save all cushioning materials and use them while packing products later.

Reusing is the best way to make the most of packaging materials. Plus, you can reduce harm on the environment by adopting this attitude. If you are not able to find the right packaging materials, then check out this leading packaging material supplier which offers an extensive range of packaging materials, shipping supplies and much more. 

Friday, 12 February 2016

Packaging Ideas for Valentine’s Day

Packaging Ideas for Valentine’s Day

Still confused about the best packaging for Valentine’s Day gifts? Whether you are an individual or a business owner, you need to ensure that the spirit of this celebration of love is expressed in the packaging. Make every package nothing less than a gift. This will definitely bring a smile on the face of the person who receives it.

Here are some packaging ideas for Valentine’s Day to help you get started.

Come Up With a Special Valentine Theme
Come Up With a Special Valentine Theme
Irrespective of the item that needs to be packed, you need to come up with a Valentine Day theme for the packaging. Make good use of hearts, red color, emoticons, stickers, quotes and just about anything that can invoke the sense of love. This will make your task much easier.

Use Gift Packing Boxes
Use Gift Packing Boxes

   Gift packing boxes are the easiest way to pack gifts and products for Valentine’s Day. They have    their own custom printed designs and there is not much that needs to be done to make it more attractive. Surely you can add ribbons or decoration flowers, but the packing box can be used just as it is without adding any accessories.  This is a great option for small businesses and for people who are running short on time.

Make Stenciled Gift Bags
Make Stenciled Gift Bags

Get a polti bag or gift bag and personalize it by coming up with love-themed elements. Use your creativity to make it as appealing as possible. If you are not sure about a particular design, then keep it simple instead of going over the board with it.
Keep It Simple With White Paper Bags

You can never go wrong with paper bags. Just put the item inside the bag and tie it with a piece of string or use tap to seal the package. Add a heart shaped note or sticker to complete the presentation. Trust me, it works every time. 

Eraser Stamp Hearts
Eraser Stamp Hearts

If you need a quick makeover for the packaging, then use an eraser to stamp hearts or any other design that you want. Carefully cut the eraser to form a stamp with a design of your choice. Hearts are the most obvious selection but there are other designs to choose from. Coat the stamp with paint and then use it to apply the designs directly on to the packing paper. It’s easy and fun. Try it out for yourself.

What are your plans for Valentine’s Day? Share your packaging ideas and suggestions in the comments section below. We would love to know about your creative ideas.

Thursday, 4 February 2016

How are Flipkart Orders Packed?

Flipkart Orders

Despite controversies and delivery errors, Flipkart still remains a popular online store in India where people across the nation try their best to lay their hands on amazing deals. Once you have placed your order, you wait eagerly for the product to be delivered. The moment you see the package, you are obviously impressed by the packaging. If you don’t believe me, then ask someone to take a pic of your expression when you receive the package. You can check out your expression for yourself.

Flipkart is an online marketplace which means that it offers a wide range of products from different brands. There are several sellers online who offer their best prices for the same product. However, packaging remains the same for all irrespective of the seller whose products you purchase. This is one standard that has been adopted by all Flipkart sellers. Due to this, the online platform has been able to maintain its service quality across product lines.

This is how the products are packed at Flipkart before they are dispatched to the mentioned addresses.

1.      The product is wrapped in a layer of bubble wrap and sealed with strong packing tape. This adds the first layer of protection for the product. For most products such as books and apparels, this should be sufficient to protect it from external forces during shipping. Plus, the bubble wrap provides adequate protection from moisture and dust.

2.      If the product includes electronic items or fragile goods, then a second (and third) layer of bubble wrap is added and sealed with more packing tape.

3.      The next step involves selecting the right packing box. The box needs to be absolutely perfect. It should not be too big as this will require more cushioning materials. If the box is too small, then the walls may break when the product (after being wrapped in bubble wrap) is forced into it. The ideal box will provide a tight fit after the product has been wrapped.

4.      The box is sealed properly with packing tape especially along the seams so that there is very little scope of the product being exposed to the external environment.

5.      If the box has branding, then there is no need to add any other packaging material. For plain boxes, an additional layer of branded packaging material is added to give the package a characteristic “Flipkart” look.

6.      The final step involves a thorough inspection of the package and addition of the label containing the address of the customer.

Flipkart, just like any other online market place, takes its packaging very seriously. Working with Flipkart packaging materials make the process smoother and hassle-free. The sellers do not have to go through the effort of ensuring adequate branding which is a mandatory requirement for the platform. Plus, the boxes are prepared according to Flipkart’s specifications.

If you need high quality Flipkart packaging materials, then check out this reputed packaging materials supplier online. It is a leading packaging store and has helped several businesses with their branding through high quality packaging solutions. 

How to Pack a Shoebox

Pack a Shoebox

Packaging plays a vital role in impressing customers. There is a fine line between impressive packing and absolute blunder. Unless you want to damage your brand’s reputation, don’t compromise on the packaging at all. Let’s take a look at the best way to pack a shoe box to understand the impact of packaging on customers.

A shoe box is simple. It is just a cardboard box that may or may not have custom printing on it. It may be called a shoebox, but you don’t always have to pack shoes in them. They can be used for packing gifts, small items or apparel. The box offers adequate durability and the regular shape helps in packing the box easily.

Use the following steps to pack a shoe box like a pro.

Get the Right Packing Box

Get the Right Packing Box

The problem with the box size is that if the box is large and the gift item isn’t, then it just crushes the expectations of the person receiving the gift. Ideally, the box should be just perfect – not too big and not too small. The best way to choose the right box is to get the gift items first and then find a box that has just enough space to accommodate the added cushioning.

Who is the Gift For?
Who is the Gift For?

When selecting gifts, make sure that you understand who the gift is for. You cannot gift a toy to a person in the late 20s. Similarly, a child would have no use for a golf set (unless he or she is super talented in the game). Identify the person to whom the gift will be given. It will make your task easier, especially when it comes to packing the gift.

Choose Appropriate Gifts

This should not be difficult to understand. Choose the right gift in terms of type, value and usage. You should give “usage” the priority when selecting gifts. If the person doesn’t have a use or emotional value for the gift item, then it will probably lie somewhere only to be forgotten over time. Choose gifts wisely to avoid running into such hassles later.

Use the Best Gift Packaging Materials
Gift Packaging Materials
Your gift will be the best when you pack them with the best gift packaging materials in the market. These materials have high quality standards and they make packing quite easy. Plus, you can get as creative as you want. If you are having a hard time finding a good packaging materials supplier, then check out this amazing online packaging store. It has everything – from gift packing materials to shipping supplies. Use ribbons, decorations flowers and floral designs sparingly. Add cushioning if the gift item is fragile in nature.

Add Labels
Add Labels
Don’t forget to add appropriate labels to the gift pack, especially if the gift item is fragile or needs to be handled with care. This will be beneficial while shipping the item to the intended recipient. You can never be too sure about the package’s handling. Unless specified, packages are usually subjected to rough handling due to the tight delivery schedule and work load.

Don’t Forget a Personal Note

Don’t Forget a Personal Note
Every gift should be accompanied with a personal note. It adds value to the gift and also shows that you care for the person who gets the gift. If you are at a loss for words, then simply stick to cliché lines and end with warm wishes.

This should help you to come up with the best gift and you would have managed to impress the person with nothing more than a shoe box, a gift, some packaging materials and loads of creativity. How cool is that?

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Cardboard Boxes Will Get Cheaper

Cardboard Boxes

Yes, cardboard boxes will definitely get cheaper. This is not a marketing gimmick by packaging material suppliers. In fact, this is the result of the drop in price for Kraft innerboard.

For those of you who are not aware of Kraft innerboard, this is the material that is used to produce containerboards which further get used up for creating cardboard boxes. Industry publication Pulp & Paper Week had estimated that the prices for the containerboard will fall as much as $20 per ton. This is a serious drop as compared to the levels which were present in December, 2015.

International Paper Slides

Not only has the price fallen just once, it is being speculated that the prices will continue to fall and eventually the price drop will reflect on the product of cardboard boxes where the prices will quite less. A reduction in the price of cardboard boxes around the globe will have a direct impact on logistics, shipping and courier. Less charges for corrugated boxes will obviously reduce the shipping costs and will also make it easy for new ecommerce businesses and startups to send out their products safely.

‘The linerboard price drop is a surprise given commentary on stronger-than-expected December box shipments, analysts at Citigroup Inc. said in a note. Still, supplies have been increasing, and the competitiveness of exports to Latin America have suffered from the strength of the U.S. dollar”, BMO’s Wilde said. “We’ll continue to see pressure on containerboard pricing because demand has been fairly static," Wilde said Monday in a telephone interview. “It will have an impact on earnings with these companies."

If the current statistics were to be considered, then there could be a further drop of $10 per ton in February. All in all, the drop in price will benefit the customers and shipping companies. However, it might not be good for the packaging material suppliers as the costs will come down. There is a bleak possibility that the reduction in prices might lead to an increase in demand for the cardboard boxes which will eventually turn out to be a winning prospect for packaging material suppliers.

Only time will reveal the direction in which the cardboard box prices go. One thing is certain – a reduction in price will definitely give a much needed boost to startups and small businesses and help them to compete effectively in the market.