Thursday 8 January 2015

How to Pack Mattresses and Bed Frames Correctly

Pack Mattresses and Bed Frames

When it comes to your bedroom, you are more than often stressed mainly because you find packing the mattress and bed frames to be a daunting task. Trust me, it isn’t as difficult as it looks. The trick lies in using the right techniques and getting the right supplies (corrugated boxes, tapes, etc.) for packing it correctly.


You need to keep the following things handy before you start packing. If you do not have the time to go and get the materials yourself, then you can always order the requirements from online packaging materials suppliers.

  • Plastic Mattress Bag
  • Mattress Box (Cardboard box with the dimensions of a regular mattress)
  • Moving Blankets
  • Small Plastic Bags
  • A Roll of Packing Tape
  • A Permanent Marker

The Packing Process

Remember, mattresses and bed frames are heavy and would need more than one person to get the job done. So do not make the mistake of doing it alone (unless you are secretly a Hulk).

  • Packing the Mattress

Start by removing all the bedding from the mattress. The bedding would be packed separately so there is no need to include this extra load.

Remove the mattresses from the frame and place them in appropriately sized mattress boxes. For added protection, you can always put the mattresses in plastic mattress bags before putting them in the box. This will keep them from getting dirty and damaged.

Each mattress box should be sealed properly and labelled with the required information. While sealing the box, make sure you cover the seams as well as this would prevent any moisture from damaging the contents.

  • Packing the Bed Frame

With the mattress removed, you can start disassembling the bed frame. Be careful while removing the separate pieces. Hardware like screws, wheels and small pieces need to be placed in small plastic bags. This will keep them together without any risk of loss. Ideally, you should have one bag of hardware for each bed. 

Once you have packed the hardware in plastic bags, you can either tape it to any piece of the bed frame, or you could pack it in a box with appropriate labels to avoid any confusion later. 

The larger pieces of the bed frame, such as mattress support beams and side pieces can be bundled together and supported with tape. 

Wrap the taped support beams and the main frame in moving blankets and then it should be ready for loading into the moving truck. The blankets can be taped or tied to the frame to ensure that nothing moves around and everything is secured. 

Just follow these simple steps and ask your friends or family members to help, and you should get your bedroom packed quickly. Never try to do this alone as it could cause accidents. With proper preparation and little precaution, packing your bedroom would never appear to be daunting again. 

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