Monday 26 May 2014

Top 4 eCommerce Packaging Trends of 2014

Packaging trends keep changing every year, especially for the eCommerce business that need to constantly renovate as well as innovate for capturing the interest of its customers in addition to increasing brand value / awareness. From the packaging design to the choice of Packaging Materials every step in the process helps in defining a characteristic package for the respective business. It is not mandatory that every business should follow the trends. With a little innovation and keen insight into the customer’s preferences, one can easily come up with designs that can become trend setters in the industry. Check out the top 4 trends that would be evident in the eCommerce industry for the year, 2014.
Going Green
The green initiative is a trend that is being encourage across industries and sectors for ensuring optimal utilization of the available resources. We do not want our future generations to be left with nothing. So we need to start behaving in a responsible manner, starting with packaging. Green packaging does not only focus on the use of recycled / recyclable materials but it also emphasizes on the amount of raw materials being used for preparing each unit of packaging material. Ideally, the raw materials component should be reduced without affecting the standard specifications for quality standards. A good example of this is the “Rapid Packing Container” developed by Henry Wang and Chris Curro.
Second Life Packaging
As the name suggests, second life packaging is one which may be reused again. This is a great way to encourage people to maximise the use of the packaging box instead of discarding it after the product has been received. It is not necessary that the packaging be used just for storing things in the second life. For example, in the image provided here, the packaging opens up into a wonderful lampshade. Similarly other boxes have been developed that double as pots once the contents of the package have been retrieved.

The “Functional” Aspect of Packaging
Most businesses have used the tried and tested method of making visually appealing packages. But are they really able to attract the customers with visual characteristics? The current trend indicates a rising preference towards the use of functional packaging which means better storage capabilities and multiple applications. Customers, however, are pretty satisfied with the convenience and ease of using the contents that comes with the functional designs. For example, the food box used to pack the burger prevents any stains from being made and once the lid is removed, it opens up into a wonderful ready-to-serve place. This is the type of functional packaging that eCommerce businesses have started focusing on.
Hybrid Packaging Concepts
Hybrids are a welcome change in any industry as it allows the best-of-all-worlds approach to be used. Not only do they have a humorous twist to the visual appeal but they are really hard to leave unnoticed. Take for example this image which portrays a paintbrush. This is a simple product and hardly anyone takes notice because the Packaging usually involves a plain cover with basic product info. The manufacturer of this product took the design to a whole new level by creating sketches of faces in such a way that when the brushes are packed, they appear to be moustaches. Now this is a really creative way of going about it.

These are the trends that are currently gaining widespread popularity, even for non-eCommerce businesses. As we are just in the early second quarter of 2014, it can be a challenge to predict future trends. But these 4 trends are the major ones that would be evident this year. All other trends would probably be direct derivatives of these 4 major initiatives.  

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